
Does Roundup Cause Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma?

With all the news around the Roundup lawsuits and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, you may be wondering if Roundup really does cause cancer. In 2019 a study found that there is a “compelling link” that exists between glyphosate exposure and the risk of developing non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. Study researchers were “convinced” about the carcinogenic properties of the chemical. […]

Monsanto Cares Little For the Lives Their Products Impact

It has become increasingly clear that Monsanto and their representatives are only concerned by their bottom line and not the health of those affected by their products. In July of 2013, Moms Across America wrote an open letter to Monsanto asking them to stop using Roundup on the foods they were serving their children. Monsanto’s […]