
NASCAR Admits Catch-Fence System Failure Is Not New

NASCAR admits that catch-fence system failure is not new. Remarkably, in a moment of candor, Steve O’Donnell, NASCAR’s senior vice president for racing operations, remarked “‘This is not new.’” Viv Bernstein, NY Times, dated February 24, 2013. It truly is not. In 1987, the gravity of this known danger of poorly designed catch-fencing systems was […]

NASCAR & Motor-sports Industry Renew Historical Debate About Fan Safety & Catch-fence Systems

Race car wheel assemblies keep flying over catch fences. For the motor-sports industry, that is neither new nor a freak accident. And with the recent incident at the Daytona 500 last Saturday, with yet another wheel assembly flying over the catch fence system, NASCAR and the motor-sports industry are renewing their historical debate about fan […]


Yesterday, the Michigan Supreme Court did away with the long-held rule of protecting minors and the infirm in no-fault claims.   This legal issue has literally been a political ping-pong match with the balance of the court changing so much since 1999.   Since 1973 — when the no-fault act was enacted — it had always been […]

Michigan’s highest court decides a medical service provider’s defense against an attorney’s fee lien in a no-fault PIP recovery, leaving unanswered several procedural questions.

Facts & Ruling by Court: A man was catastrophically injured in a car accident and was taken to the Detroit Medical Center for care.  The patient’s medical expenses were covered by the No-Fault law.  Before the patient was discharged and before the DMC issued an itemization of charges to the patient’s no-fault insurer, the patient’s […]

Driving too close behind another and stopping abruptly are factors that may lead to driver liability for personal injury suffered by another. And, when multiple motor vehicles are involved in a scenario which is a factor resulting in a motorcyclist’s injury, liability for no-fault coverage afforded to the motorcyclist may rest with more than one of the involved motor vehicles.

Facts & Ruling by Court: Three cars were traveling south on M-37 approaching a curve in the roadway.  Heading northbound was a motorcyclist.  The first of the three cars was looking for wood.  It is here where testimony of several witnesses differed on what actually occurred next: the driver of the first car says he […]